Saturday, May 23, 2020

Comparison Poetry Essay - 2397 Words

Poetry Essay Each one of the poems offers a unique view upon love. The first poem by Robert Herrick, To the Virgins to make much of Time, focuses upon the idea of carpe diem. The poem stresses the idea of marriage while love and flesh are still young and believes this gift of virginity to be a great waste if not given while it is still desirable. Marvell also uses the carpe diem theme to his poem ‘To His Coy Mistress,’ however with three certain sections within the poem. The first part elaborates on the idea of unlimited time; this then evolves a ‘but’ into the poem that everything must come to end and death catches up upon us. Then in the last third of the poem the word ‘therefore’ comes into play as the poet says that we should enjoy†¦show more content†¦Herrick tries to scare the reader into marriage, he does not with for them to be without protection but the carpe diem theme also suggests that they must go and seize the day, while they are still in prime and youth, so they are not wasted. This is summed up in the fourth and last stanza of the poem ‘for having lost but once your prime, / you may for ever tarry’. Marvell also uses the carpe diem theme to his poem ‘To His Coy Mistress,’ however with three certain sections within the poem. The first part elaborates on the idea of unlimited time; this then evolves a ‘but’ into the poem that everything must come to end and death catches up upon us. Then in the last third of the poem the word ‘therefore’ comes into play as the poet says that we should enjoy the time we now have with one another. The main point of the poem is for Marvell to persuade his coy mistress ‘to sport’ (now let us sport us why we may) and at first glance appears to use conventional methods to get his time of pleasure. The ‘Coy Mistress’ within the title may imply a complicated relationship with coy meaning a shy, quiet reserved person, not the sort of person that one would imagine ‘to sport’. Also the word mistress derives from the word ‘master’ and gives a sense of authority. During the first stanza of Marvell’s poem he tries to persuade his mistress, praising her using conventional ways ‘to walk and pass our love’s long day’. Marvell explains that they will live and love one anotherShow MoreRelatedA Comparison of Poetry Essay967 Words   |  4 PagesA Comparison of Poetry In this essay two poems will be juxtaposed. One of the poems is called My parents kept me from children who were rough. This poem was written by Stephen Spender. Stephen Spender was greatly admired for his work and was knighted in 1983. He lived in the 20th century and died 22 years after W H Auden in 1995 .The second poem chosen is called Funeral Blues and was written by W H Auden. W H Auden was a greatly respected homosexual poet who livedRead MorePoetry Comparison Essay1369 Words   |  6 PagesPoetry Comparison There have been many wars throughout time. Most people learn the facts through: papers, films, books or poems, but I am comparing two similar poems which have different meanings. Wilfred Owen who wrote the poem Dulce et Decorum est or Lord Alfred Tennyson who wrote The Charge of the Light Brigade. They are both based around the theme of war. Lord Alfred Tennyson is pro war and thinks its a good thing to die for your country. His poem was writtenRead More Comparison Of Love Poetry: Essay1514 Words   |  7 PagesComparison Of Love Poetry: Rememberby Christina Rossetti, How Do I Love Thee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and When We Two Parted by Lord Byron The three poems, Remember by Christina Rossetti; How Do I love Thee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and When We Two Parted by Lord Byron, each explore love and loss in their own unique ways. Remember is, as expected from the title, a solemn lament which is a farewell sonnet to her treasured one. How Do I Love Thee? is again a sonnet of love but Read MoreEssay on A Comparison of World War I Poetry2088 Words   |  9 PagesLiterature and poetry are a reflection of society. The words are reflected in numerous feelings that we can almost touch and can be deeply felt in its reach. Most poets expressed their perception and emotion through their writings. Unfortunately the art and poetry describes one of the worst things that human can do to one another. The legalized murder called war. Hence, this type of self-reflection called poetry has help create new fundamental ideas and values towards our society. In this essay, I willRead MoreEssay Comparison of Poetry of a Different Culture1229 Words   |  5 PagesComparison of Poetry of a Different Culture We live in a society where culture and identity are very important. Culture is the distinctive practices and beliefs of a society. Culture is all about where we live, our language, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the celebrations we celebrate and the things we value. Many people who live in poorer countries move over to the bigger cities were there are more jobs and money. Many people end up living in a place they dontRead MorePre –1914 Poetry Comparison on Love Essay1409 Words   |  6 PagesIn this compare and contrast essay I will compare four poems in detail and mention two in the passing to find similarities and differences. The poems and sonnets I have chosen to compare are ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’ by Robert Browning and Sonnet 18 and Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare The two Robert Browning poems, ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’ were written in the infamous Victorian Era whereas the two Shakespearean Sonnets were written in the Elizabethan Era. TheRead MoreComparison of Li Po and Tu Fus Poetry Essays802 Words   |  4 PagesComparison of Li Po and Tu Fus Poetry During the Tang Dynasty, Li Po and Tu Fu have reigned the literary world with their poetry. Their writing techniques and themes in their poetry allow them to stand out amongst other poets at the time. With the unique aspects and images these poets write about, they distinguish the similarities between themselves and contain different intensities in their poetry. While Li Po has a more relaxed tone to his poetryRead MoreComparison of Robert Frosts and Seamus Heaney’s poetry, Essay988 Words   |  4 PagesIn Seamus Heaney’s poetry, there is a recurring theme of his talking of the past, and more predominantly about significant moments in time, where he came to realisations that brought him to adulthood. In â€Å"Death of a Naturalist† Heaney describes a moment in his childhood where he learnt that nature was not as beautiful as seem to be when he was just a naive child. Heaney does this on a deeper level in â€Å"Midterm Break† describes his experience of h is younger brothers funeral and the mixed, confusingRead MoreEssay about Poetry Comparison on The Flea and To His Coy Mistress722 Words   |  3 Pages Poetry Comparison on The Flea and To His Coy Mistress I would firstly like to begin on The Flea. This poem is about a man that is trying to persuade a woman to have sex with him, by symbolically using a flea. The content of the poem is very much the same throughout the whole of the poem. In the first stanza, the poet is basically talking about how the flea represents their coming together and in the last two stanzas the poet tries to then persuade the woman toRead MorePoetry Comparative Essay Guide1500 Words   |  6 PagesWriting A Good Comparative Essay – GCSE Poetry You will be asked to compare two or more poems in your exam. You could be asked to write about the presentation of themes, people or places and the importance of language. A good comparative essay is like a multi-layered sandwich: †¢ BREAD - A new point. †¢ FILLING A - How one of your chosen poems illustrates this point. †¢ FILLING B - How your other chosen poem illustrates this point. †¢ BREAD - Your conclusion about this point. This is what the examiners

Monday, May 18, 2020

Cuánto demoran los papeles para esposos de residentes

La peticià ³n de papeles para su cà ³nyuge realizada por un residente permanente se demora, en el momento de escribir este artà ­culo, entre aproximadamente 21 meses de mà ­nimo y 30 de mà ¡ximo. En este artà ­culo se explican las causas de la demora, cà ³mo es posible hacer un cà ¡lculo mà ¡s detallado, segà ºn el caso de cada solicitante, cosas que deben saberse mientras se està ¡n en el medio del proceso de la tramitacià ³n y, por à ºltimo, quà © causas pueden dar lugar a la negacià ³n de peticià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card. 4 factores que determinan la  demora la green card para cà ³nyuges de residentes La demora de la peticià ³n, la cual se puede presentar para un cà ³nyuge del mismo sexo o del sexo opuesto,  depende, bà ¡sicamente, de cuatro: En primer lugar, de quà © oficina del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS) debe aprobar la peticià ³n En segundo lugar, de la oficina consular en la que se realiza la entrevista para los casos de cà ³nyuge fuera de Estados Unidos o de la oficina del USCIS que debe aprobar el ajuste de estatus, para el caso de cà ³nyuges en situacià ³n migratoria legal en los Estados Unidos En tercer lugar, del nà ºmero total de peticiones de esta categorà ­a, ya que existe un nà ºmero mà ¡ximo que se puede aprobar por aà ±o fiscal y asà ­, cuando se alcanza dicho nà ºmero las oficinas del gobierno paralizar el nà ºmero de peticiones aprobadas hasta que el inicio del siguiente aà ±o fiscal. Y en cuarto lugar, del paà ­s de nacimiento de la persona pedida ya que para Mà ©xico aplican unas fechas y para el resto de Latinoamà ©rica y Espaà ±a, otras.   Pero es posible calcular las demoras y tambià ©n verificar cada poco si hay cambios en los tiempos de tramitacià ³n. Ademà ¡s, si todavà ­a no se ha iniciado el trà ¡mite, esto es lo que se debe  hacer para que un residente solicite la green card para su cà ³nyuge. Paso 1: demora el USCIS en aprobar la peticià ³n El primer paso en la obtencià ³n de la green card para el cà ³nyuge es que el USCIS apruebe la solicitud. El paquete con ella se envà ­a a una oficina (depende del lugar en el que se reside) y, una vez, allà ­, se distribuye entre los llamados Centros de Servicio. A las pocas semanas de haber enviado el paquete con la solicitud se recibe una carta que tambià ©n se conoce con el nombre de NOA1. Contiene informacià ³n importante, como el nà ºmero de caso y tambià ©n el lugar en el que va a tramitar la solicitud.   Una vez que se sabe cuà ¡l ha tocado, ir a esta pà ¡gina oficial, bajar el cursor, elegir el Centro de Servicio adecuado y presionar en centro de servicio fechas de trà ¡mite.   A partir de ahà ­ se abre una pà ¡gina y hacia la mitad de la misma buscar formulario I-130 peticià ³n para pariente extranjero y verificar la opcià ³n de peticià ³n de un residente permanente para un cà ³nyuge o un nià ±o menor de 21 aà ±os.   Y el tiempo de procesamiento son los meses en los que el USCIS se demora para contestar si aprueba la peticià ³n o la deniega. Lo notifica con una carta conocida como NOA2 que es muy importante porque ahà ­ aparece la fecha de prioridad. Paso 2. La gran espera por los papeles Una vez que el USCIS aprueba la solicitud hay que esperar por una visa disponible. Esto quiere decir que por ley hay un nà ºmero limitado de peticiones de tarjetas de residencia que se pueden hacer en esta categorà ­a de solicitudes de residente para esposo, lo que se conoce como F2A.   Y como el nà ºmero de solicitudes es mà ¡s grande que el nà ºmero de visas disponibles entonces se producen unos retrasos.   Cada mes el Departamento de estado publica el boletà ­n de visas. Ahà ­ es el lugar donde informarse  si ya hay visa disponible y se acabà ³ la espera. La manera de mirarlo es teniendo la fecha de prioridad en la mano. Si la fecha es anterior al dà ­a que el boletà ­n de visas seà ±ala para la categorà ­a F2A, eso quiere decir que comienza de nuevo la tramitacià ³n que falta.Si es mà ¡s reciente, hay que seguir esperando. En la actualidad, el boletà ­n de visas està ¡ dividido en dos grandes categorà ­as.   En el caso en que se puede ajustar el estatus, verificar la fecha en dates for filing. Por el contrario, los casos con procedimiento consular deben consular el final action. Paso 3. Ajuste de estatus o procedimiento consular Entonces pueden pasar dos cosas segà ºn dà ³nde se encuentra el cà ³nyuge pedido: Si està ¡ en Estados Unidos legalmente se puede proceder a su ajuste de estatus. Y aquà ­ se explica cà ³mo verificar los tiempos de demora para eso. Recordar que los esposos de residentes en situacià ³n migratoria de ilegalidad no pueden ajustar su estatus y, por lo tanto, antes de iniciar cualquier trà ¡mite migratorio deberà ­an consultar y asesorarse con un abogado. Si la persona pedida està ¡ fuera de Estados Unidos habrà ¡ unas gestiones (como envà ­o del affidavit of support) con el Centro Nacional de Visas y los pasos finales se harà ¡n en el paà ­s de cada uno, incluyendo una entrevista en el consulado o Embajada. Aunque las demoras varà ­an por paà ­s en là ­neas generales puede decirse que desde que hay visa disponible a la finalizacià ³n del proceso no pasan mà ¡s de seis meses.   Problemas en la peticià ³n de la green card para esposos Estas son 42 causas por las que se deniega la green card. No todos los problemas son iguales, ya que en algunos casos es posible pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver. En otros casos, el castigo es solamente temporal. Finalmente, en algunas circunstancias no serà ¡ posible encontrar arreglo y no se obtendrà ¡ la green card. Ademà ¡s, tratà ¡ndose de un matrimonio, el USCIS y, en su caso, el consulado va a poner atencià ³n para averiguar si el matrimonio es real o es sà ³lo de conveniencia.   Recordar que los  esposos de residentes que està ¡n en Estados Unidos como indocumentados  no pueden ajustar su estatus por matrimonio. Con lo que si los piden en esa situacià ³n tendrà ¡n que salir de Estados Unidos y allà ­ puede saltar el problema del  castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os. Por todas estas razones dichas, es recomendable antes de iniciar trà ¡mite asesorarse con un buen abogado de inmigracià ³n cuando alguno de esos problemas puedan aparecer. Mientras se està ¡ esperando por los papeles Mientras se espera por la green card, puede suceder que el solicitante cambie de estatus legal al naturalizarse y convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense. Esto es lo que debe  hacer si el residente se convierte en ciudadano.   Por otra parte, tambià ©n mientras se espera por la green card si el cà ³nyuge està ¡ fuera de Estados Unidos puede que desee viajar para reunirse con su esposa o marido. Pero esto no siempre es posible y conviene enterarse de las posibilidades de ser exitoso al  pedir una visa de turista mientras se espera por green card. Asimismo, como las cosas de amor pueden ser cambiantes, es importante conocer cà ³mo  afecta el divorcio a la green card. Consejos para que todo el trà ¡mite resulte bien Estados Unidos es un paà ­s diferente en muchos aspectos como por ejemplo, el migratorio, el legal, o en materia de impuestos, etc. Para evitar problemas y conocer los derechos todas las personas que desean emigrar deberà ­an familiarizarse cuanto antes con los aspectos bà ¡sicos del paà ­s y asà ­ evitar mà ¡s tarde problemas indeseados.   Ademà ¡s, este es un listado de telà ©fonos y pà ¡ginas webs en los que se puede verificar informacià ³n sobre el caso y obtener buenos recursos migratorios.   Finalmente, se aconseja tomar este quiz - trivial o test- para verificar que tienes los conocimientos bà ¡sicos para obtener y conservar la tarjeta de residencia. Es difà ­cil conseguirla. No corras el riesgo de que te la cancelen por ignorancia. Este artà ­culo es sà ³lo informativo, no es consejo legal.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Psychology A Human s Mind - 1399 Words

The foundation to a human s mind is based on the principals both taught into and gathered from experiences as a child. As children grow older, they soon start deciphering this information to decide for themselves which of their actions are right and wrong. What draws me to study psychology is this mental processing, and how it affects a person s current and future character; particularly children. Childhood is a stage when a person s individual identity begins to form; Children, more so than any other age group, are easily influenced by their surrounding environment; What they learn from these experiences, whether good or bad, they carry for the rest of their lives. Just likes ripples, each experience can be solitary or continue to amplify through social-emotional interactions, unless somebody or something is able to calm the disturbance. Having received my masters in applied psychology, my desire to obtain a Ph.D. in counseling psychology is motivated by a desire to build on my exi sting academic framework of psychological concepts to explore the link between behavior and trauma in order to better serve the communities that I work with: Adolescents. The understanding of the internal and external factors that determine coping mechanisms and responses to life stressors have been an integral and valuable aspect of my success as a counselor to date, as well as have provided a steep learning curve for me to master. During the Masters program at NYU and the time I have spentShow MoreRelatedPsychology Is The Study Of Behavior And Mental Processes972 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is psychology? Scientifically psychology is the study of behavior and mental processes. More in depth thinking of it, psychology is the study of the psyche, or soul. As Carl Jung stated â€Å"Every psychology problem needs a spiritual solution†. By this he means the only way to solve problems psychologically, people must understand themselves in â€Å"breathe, spirit, and soul†. Psychology does not only study the overt actions of humans such as smiling or talking, but also studies the covert activitiesRead MoreEvolution of Cognitive Psychology1105 W ords   |  5 PagesRunning head: EVOLUTION OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY PAPER Evolution of Cognitive Psychology PSYCH 560 Latrice T. Colbert Julie Bruno, Psy.D September 6, 2010 Cognition is a term referring to the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension, including thinking, knowing, remembering, judging and problem-solving. 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Human development involvesRead MoreEssay about Marketing and Psychology862 Words   |  4 PagesMarketing and Psychology Mustafa Bilal University of Phoenix PSY/322 October 7, 2013 Chawn Williams Consumer psychology is a sub-branch of social psychology that falls under the umbrella of psychology. A consumer is a person or group that uses a service of product. Psychology is the study of the mind. These two words, when put together is the study of the human mind concerning â€Å"why† and â€Å"how† it decides why, what, where, and when to consume a product or service. Consumer psychology seeksRead MoreFoundations of Psychology771 Words   |  4 PagesFoundations of Psychology Psychology is an academic and applied discipline involving the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. There is some tension between scientific psychology (with its program of empirical research) and applied psychology (dealing with a number of areas). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Unit 12 D1 - 1273 Words

My review and judgement for Toyshops online marketing. Top shop online retail website allows their customer to purchase their products online. Top shop is generally regarded as the high street fashion centre for all women and men under 30, reasonably priced clothes suitable for all occasions. Top shop is one of the better laid out online shops the site uses an attractive black colour scheme and the clothes are divided into categories, viewers can choose to browse by New In items, Special Offers, Sale, Kate Moss range, Dresses, etc. Topshop is a high street fashion retailer that has been up and running since 1964 and is has successfully open 300 store across the UK, do shipments to more than 100 countries and has their eclectic British†¦show more content†¦Images, videos, pictures, drop down menus, gifs and search bar play a big impact on how customers view the business webpage, it make it easier for the customers to locate stuff on the business webpage, because these online features are visual. Topshop online website is effective because it help to attraction new customers to the business. The internet is a main asset to many people because they use this on a regular basis whether it is to communication, gather information or locate new places. Topshop use many marketing techniques to promote their online business, these are; promotional adverts online, email promotion, hyperlinks, on website such as twitter and Facebook and so on YouTube. Topshop also have an app for all smartphone, where customers can use to also purchase item, gather information and so on, this is very effective for their customers because this give their customers the advantage to shop from anywhere, during business hours. Topshop internet marketing states for Facebook and Twitter. Topshop continues to grow its following on social media sites, due to lots of features, in-store promotions and relatively high levels of engagement with fans and followers. Stats from E-Digital Research look at the number of followers for the top 20 retailers on Facebook and Twitter and, for the first time, Google+. Top 20 UK retailers onShow MoreRelatedDelectation Delicatessen Essay1226 Words   |  5 Pagesof Fish-n-Fowl and Surf-n-Turf sandwiches it should make each day to maximize the deli’s revenues in USD$. The decision variables are how many units of Fish-n-Fowl and Surf-n-Turf sandwiches Delectation should make each day. F= units of Fish-n-Fowl sandwiches Delectation should make each day. S= units of Surf-n-Turf sandwiches Delectation should make each day. The objective function: maxmize F x 5.50 + S x 6.95 The Constraints: 0.25 xRead MoreRole Internet Marketing1165 Words   |  5 PagesHealth Enterprise Programme Title Edexcel Extended Diploma Business Level 3 Edexcel Diploma Business Level 3 Unit Unit 12 Internet Marketing in Business Assignment Title Marketing Online Issue Date Monday 10th March Hand In Date Friday 30th May Students Name Class Lecturer Neil Gow Assessment Criteria achieved P1 M1 D1 P2 M2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Learning Outcomes 1. 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Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci Free Essays

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci [pic] Who (is he): He was an Italian polymath, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. He was born on April 15, 1452(1452-04-15) as the illegitimate son of a notary, Piero da Vinci, and a peasant woman, Caterina, at Vinci in the region of Florence. He died on May 2, 1519 at an age of 67. We will write a custom essay sample on Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci or any similar topic only for you Order Now What (are his contributions): He conceptualised a helicopter, a tank, concentrated solar power, a calculator, the double hull and outlined a rudimentary theory of plate tectonics. As a scientist, he greatly advanced the state of knowledge in the fields of anatomy, civil engineering, optics, and hydrodynamics. His journals include a vast number of inventions, both practical and impractical. They include musical instruments, hydraulic pumps, reversible crank mechanisms, finned mortar shells, and a steam cannon. When (his professional life begin ): 1476 Why (did Leonardo start doing all this things): Helen Gardner says â€Å"The scope and depth of his interests were without precedent†¦ His mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote†. Leonardo was the archetype of the renaissance man, a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention. Basically, he just did all this because of his curiousity. Where (was his starting point): In 1466, at the age of fourteen, Leonardo was apprenticed to one of the most successful artists of his day, Andrea di Cione, known as Verrocchio. Verrocchio’s workshop was at the centre of the intellectual currents of Florence, assuring the young Leonardo of an education in the humanities. Consequences (of his existence): Liana Bortolon, writing in 1967, said: â€Å"Because of the multiplicity of interests that spurred him to pursue every field of knowledge  Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Leonardo can be considered, quite rightly, to have been the universal genius par excellence, and with all the disquieting overtones inherent in that term. Man is as uncomfortable today, faced with a genius, as he was in the 16th century. Five centuries have passed, yet we still view Leonardo with awe. How to cite Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci, Papers Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci Free Essays Leonardo was a man of many different talents; among those talents were polymath, painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, inventor, engineer, writer, geologist, anatomist, cartographer, anatomist, and botanist. Leonardo was primarily known for his painting (Mona Lisa, the last supper, Vitamins Man), and his fascinating inventions (Helicopter, tank, flying Machine, Viola Organists) which I will be talking about in depth in my research paper. First study science, and then follow with practice based on science†¦. We will write a custom essay sample on Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci or any similar topic only for you Order Now . The painter who draws by practice and judgment of the eye without the use of reason is like the mirror the reproduces within itself all the objects which are set opposite to it without knowledge of the same†¦. The youth ought first to learn perspective, then the proportions of everything, then he should learn from the hand off good master. Leonardo Dad Vinci The Renaissance marked the transition point from the middle ages to the modern world. Young Leonardo Did Seer Piper Dad Vince received his education of Painter, sculptor, and engineering in Florence in the early sass. In a time when coming with a new approach toward science was considered a direct insult or challenge to the church, Leonardo managed to project his new finding of science, Mathematics formulas, and logical reasoning without creating a new reform of cultural beliefs. Among his reaction we can find what is considered to be an early predecessor of today’s helicopter. Between 1480 and 1493 Leonardo Dad Vinci designed what is known today as the â€Å"Aerial Screw’ or also known as the â€Å"Helical Air Screw’. Leonardo Helical Air Screw measure approximately fifteen feet across and the material used to build it were reed, linen, and wire. The main power proportion came from four men that were standing in the middle of the craft rotating different pedals in order to rotate the screw like shaft (See figure L-1). Leonardo was a very methodical reader and writer. He often read books that interest him with pen on hand. He was so critical of himself that he used to describe his though in writing, and draw them most of the time in order to retrace his thinking. In the old time it was common for inventors to read others innovators ideas in order to create new ones or reproduce the same invention with improvements. One of those creations was the Leonardo â€Å"Assault Vehicle†. After researching Roberto Evaluator’s â€Å"De re military’, Leonardo Dad Vinci went ahead and created the Assault Vehicle with a technology that was unheard of at the time. Due to the lack of funds and the war at the Apennines Peninsula Leonardo had o restrain his master creation to Just a blueprint. The Assault Vehicle had an upside- down cone shape with four wheels at the bottom, and a crankshaft for propulsion. Been that Leonardo was so critical of his own invention, he decided to make improvement to his own invention at a later time. One of those improvements was the vehicle self-propulsion. Leonardo achieved this improvement by creating a spring-power system (As the Motor), and an innovated differential transmission system. (L-2 Picture of Assault Vehicle) Another area in which Leonardo Dad Vinci broke new ground was painting. But to his misfortune in life by 1514 most of his paintings were not completed due to lack of commissions and Italian’s wars. One of those paintings happened to be the â€Å"Mona Lisa† or â€Å"La Cocooned† a 16th century oil painting portray of â€Å"Lisa did Antonio Maria Grenadine† which in today’s expert opinion it is one of the most impossible to comprehend painting in the history of art. Leonardo started to paint the Mona Lisa in 1503 under the commission of Francesco did Bartholomew did Zinnia del Giaconda and finished nil 519 shortly before he died. By 1511 Leonardo had to migrate under the Melee family protection to Vapor where he sided and produced magnificent creation of arts for two years in order to repay the Melee family hospitality. While at Vapor Leonardo continued to develop his new projects and improving his paintings knowing that sooner or later he will have to find a more suitable patron in order to be able to finance his work. The solution to financial impasse came in February 1 513 in the hand of Giovanni De’ Medici, the younger descendent of Lorenz IL Magnificent. With the death of Pope Julius II in Rome and Giovanni asserted to papacy under the name of Pope Leo X. Giuliani De’ Medici rather of Pope Leo X and by them commander of the papal army, invited Leonardo to Rome for his knowledge of art and military technology. The invitation to Rome by Giuliani De’ Medici was the opportunity that Leonardo Dad Vinci was waiting for. Unlimited commissions, immeasurable social status, and a very power full patron. What else? By September 1513 Leonardo relocated himself back to Rome where he was accommodated in the Vatican luxury Belvedere villas together with all his painting including some half stages such us the Lead, the Mona Lisa, and the Saint Anne. How to cite Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci, Papers

Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci Free Essays

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci [pic] Who (is he): He was an Italian polymath, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. He was born on April 15, 1452(1452-04-15) as the illegitimate son of a notary, Piero da Vinci, and a peasant woman, Caterina, at Vinci in the region of Florence. He died on May 2, 1519 at an age of 67. We will write a custom essay sample on Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci or any similar topic only for you Order Now What (are his contributions): He conceptualised a helicopter, a tank, concentrated solar power, a calculator, the double hull and outlined a rudimentary theory of plate tectonics. As a scientist, he greatly advanced the state of knowledge in the fields of anatomy, civil engineering, optics, and hydrodynamics. His journals include a vast number of inventions, both practical and impractical. They include musical instruments, hydraulic pumps, reversible crank mechanisms, finned mortar shells, and a steam cannon. When (his professional life begin ): 1476 Why (did Leonardo start doing all this things): Helen Gardner says â€Å"The scope and depth of his interests were without precedent†¦ His mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote†. Leonardo was the archetype of the renaissance man, a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention. Basically, he just did all this because of his curiousity. Where (was his starting point): In 1466, at the age of fourteen, Leonardo was apprenticed to one of the most successful artists of his day, Andrea di Cione, known as Verrocchio. Verrocchio’s workshop was at the centre of the intellectual currents of Florence, assuring the young Leonardo of an education in the humanities. Consequences (of his existence): Liana Bortolon, writing in 1967, said: â€Å"Because of the multiplicity of interests that spurred him to pursue every field of knowledge  Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Leonardo can be considered, quite rightly, to have been the universal genius par excellence, and with all the disquieting overtones inherent in that term. Man is as uncomfortable today, faced with a genius, as he was in the 16th century. Five centuries have passed, yet we still view Leonardo with awe. How to cite Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci, Papers Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci Free Essays Leonardo was a man of many different talents; among those talents were polymath, painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, inventor, engineer, writer, geologist, anatomist, cartographer, anatomist, and botanist. Leonardo was primarily known for his painting (Mona Lisa, the last supper, Vitamins Man), and his fascinating inventions (Helicopter, tank, flying Machine, Viola Organists) which I will be talking about in depth in my research paper. First study science, and then follow with practice based on science†¦. We will write a custom essay sample on Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci or any similar topic only for you Order Now . The painter who draws by practice and judgment of the eye without the use of reason is like the mirror the reproduces within itself all the objects which are set opposite to it without knowledge of the same†¦. The youth ought first to learn perspective, then the proportions of everything, then he should learn from the hand off good master. Leonardo Dad Vinci The Renaissance marked the transition point from the middle ages to the modern world. Young Leonardo Did Seer Piper Dad Vince received his education of Painter, sculptor, and engineering in Florence in the early sass. In a time when coming with a new approach toward science was considered a direct insult or challenge to the church, Leonardo managed to project his new finding of science, Mathematics formulas, and logical reasoning without creating a new reform of cultural beliefs. Among his reaction we can find what is considered to be an early predecessor of today’s helicopter. Between 1480 and 1493 Leonardo Dad Vinci designed what is known today as the â€Å"Aerial Screw’ or also known as the â€Å"Helical Air Screw’. Leonardo Helical Air Screw measure approximately fifteen feet across and the material used to build it were reed, linen, and wire. The main power proportion came from four men that were standing in the middle of the craft rotating different pedals in order to rotate the screw like shaft (See figure L-1). Leonardo was a very methodical reader and writer. He often read books that interest him with pen on hand. He was so critical of himself that he used to describe his though in writing, and draw them most of the time in order to retrace his thinking. In the old time it was common for inventors to read others innovators ideas in order to create new ones or reproduce the same invention with improvements. One of those creations was the Leonardo â€Å"Assault Vehicle†. After researching Roberto Evaluator’s â€Å"De re military’, Leonardo Dad Vinci went ahead and created the Assault Vehicle with a technology that was unheard of at the time. Due to the lack of funds and the war at the Apennines Peninsula Leonardo had o restrain his master creation to Just a blueprint. The Assault Vehicle had an upside- down cone shape with four wheels at the bottom, and a crankshaft for propulsion. Been that Leonardo was so critical of his own invention, he decided to make improvement to his own invention at a later time. One of those improvements was the vehicle self-propulsion. Leonardo achieved this improvement by creating a spring-power system (As the Motor), and an innovated differential transmission system. (L-2 Picture of Assault Vehicle) Another area in which Leonardo Dad Vinci broke new ground was painting. But to his misfortune in life by 1514 most of his paintings were not completed due to lack of commissions and Italian’s wars. One of those paintings happened to be the â€Å"Mona Lisa† or â€Å"La Cocooned† a 16th century oil painting portray of â€Å"Lisa did Antonio Maria Grenadine† which in today’s expert opinion it is one of the most impossible to comprehend painting in the history of art. Leonardo started to paint the Mona Lisa in 1503 under the commission of Francesco did Bartholomew did Zinnia del Giaconda and finished nil 519 shortly before he died. By 1511 Leonardo had to migrate under the Melee family protection to Vapor where he sided and produced magnificent creation of arts for two years in order to repay the Melee family hospitality. While at Vapor Leonardo continued to develop his new projects and improving his paintings knowing that sooner or later he will have to find a more suitable patron in order to be able to finance his work. The solution to financial impasse came in February 1 513 in the hand of Giovanni De’ Medici, the younger descendent of Lorenz IL Magnificent. With the death of Pope Julius II in Rome and Giovanni asserted to papacy under the name of Pope Leo X. Giuliani De’ Medici rather of Pope Leo X and by them commander of the papal army, invited Leonardo to Rome for his knowledge of art and military technology. The invitation to Rome by Giuliani De’ Medici was the opportunity that Leonardo Dad Vinci was waiting for. Unlimited commissions, immeasurable social status, and a very power full patron. What else? By September 1513 Leonardo relocated himself back to Rome where he was accommodated in the Vatican luxury Belvedere villas together with all his painting including some half stages such us the Lead, the Mona Lisa, and the Saint Anne. How to cite Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci, Papers

Cystic Fibrosis Research Paper free essay sample

Without the cystic fibrosis variation of the CFTR gene, the CFTR proteins created by the gene act as a channel protein which can be found in the membranes of cells which line the passageways of organs such as the pancreas, lungs, and intestines. The CFTR protein can be modified in numerous ways to give the host cystic fibrosis; in fact, over 1000 transformations of the CFTR gene have been recognized. One of the most common of these mutations is a deletion of a single amino acid from the long chain of 1480 in the CFTR protein. This causes a breakdown of the channel made with the missing amino acid, which means that it never transports chloride ions, like it was made to do, because it never reaches the cell membrane. This mutation is delta F508, because the deletion occurs at position 508 on the CFTR protein. These sorts of mutations work to deteriorate and destroy the efficiency of the CFTR protein by changing or replacing parts of the protein’s amino acid order. This order chooses the way that the protein is folded, and if this order is changed or altered, the way that the protein will also be modified, causing the protein to not be able to work. In this case, the protein is a protein channel inside a membrane, and if folded improperly, the molecules that would normally pass through it are not able to, which means that the structure has failed to do its task, which is the transport of chloride and sodium across epithelium (tissues). This failure is caused by the altered fold of the protein, because proteins function only when the proteins are folded perfectly. When folded improperly, the substances for which the protein was made cannot fit through the protein channel, and so cannot pass through it. The phenotype or physical appearance of anyone with the autoimmune disease cystic fibrosis varies, as there are multiple possibilities and combinations, but have many recurring traits. Some of these visible traits include Delayed growth, failure during childhood to gain weight in a â€Å"normal† manner, bursts of weight loss, copious and unnatural production of phlegm, and scarring. Most of the phenotypes of cystic fibrosis do not show is a visible manner in the very early stages of human life. However, about 20% of babies with CF will be born with meconium ileus, which is a severe intestinal obstruction. The lack of certain transport molecules also prevents nutrient absorption, which causes a huge appetite. Cystic fibrosis was discovered in the 1930s by the Bohemian pathologist Carl von Rokitansky, who made the first description of the disease as part of a report about a death of a fetus. In 1938, Dorothy Andersen M. D. wrote the first comprehensive report on cystic fibrosis and also named it, referring to the cysts in the pancreas of children and an elevated amount of fibrous tissue. In 1955 a group of parents founded the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, which later became the National CF research Foundation in 1955 as well. In 1980,b The foundation created the Research Development Program, which is a network of research centers at top universities. In 1989, the single most important discovery in cystic fibrosis research was made; the discovery of the CFTR gene in the human body, which led to scientists understanding cystic fibrosis at its most basic level. With the knowledge of this gene, scientists could also, for the first time, synthesize a healthy version of the gene for research. The first gene therapy for patients with cystic fibrosis occurred in 1993, which truly started further studies in CF gene therapy. Cystic fibrosis comes with many odd symptoms which are caused by the defects in the CFTR gene’s amino acid sequence. Because cystic fibrosis helps to prevent the movement of salt and water in and out of cells, the lungs and pancreas begin to secrete thick mucus, which will eventually block passages within the body, eventually rendering the passageway useless from clogging. As an example, mucus lines the membranes of many internal organs in order to protect the organ. The protein channels placed inside the membranes allow chloride ions to pass through, and because of H20’s (water’s) polarity, the water molecules are dragged along with the ions, which also thins the mucus inside the cells. Without the movement of the chloride ions, the mater and mucus cannot move out, causing a buildup of mucus. In the pancreas, these unusable passages prevent the secretion of the necessary digestive enzymes from the pancreas to the intestine, meaning that an inability to digest any kind of food, especially fats and proteins. Another major symptom is being extremely underweight and malnourished. This is caused by the other symptom of not being able to digest foods and retain nutrients. In fact, this symptom of not being able to absorb nutrients or digest foods causes many other symptoms. Diabetes is one of them. As damage to the pancreas from unusable protein channels increases, more and more insulin-producing pancreatic cells are destroyed, causing type-1-diabetes from lack of insulin. In the lungs, the production of the thick mucus also increases the likelihood of infection, so people with cystic fibrosis are known to have lungs with copious amounts of bacteria in them. Other common symptoms include salty-tasting skin, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, coughing, increased mucus in the lungs and sinuses, recurring episodes of pneumonia, inflammation of the pancreas, and infertility for men. Because cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease, different populations are more or less likely to have this mutation in the CFTR gene. About one in every twenty-five Americans of European descent is a carrier of the gene, though possibly not infected fully with cystic fibrosis. Remember, you need to have the mutation in BOTH of your CFTR genes to have cystic fibrosis. ) One in every seventeen-thousand African Americans is a carrier of the mutated gene, and one in thirty-thousand Asian-Americans is a carrier. Overall, the Caucasian race is most susceptible to having cystic fibrosis. The various treatments for cystic fibrosis have improved astronomically since the disease was first discovered. In the year 1962, patients with cystic fibrosis had a median or ave rage life span of about ten years. Treatment has developed to the point that the average age to which cystic fibrosis patients survive has been raised to forty-one years of age. When cystic fibrosis was first discovered, there were no treatments available. In 1989, when the CFTR gene was discovered, scientists were intrigued, and in 1993, gene therapy for cystic fibrosis patients began. Since then, scientists have learned much more about how cystic fibrosis affects humans, and many different treatments have been developed to counter some of these symptoms. Simple exercise is always good for patients with cystic fibrosis, because it will help to sweat out the excess salt that cannot get out of the body because of unusable protein channels. There are antibiotics to help prevent bacterial build-up in the lungs and sinuses. Pills have also been developed to thin mucus in order to prevent the extraneous buildup of mucus in the body. To solve problems of lack of nutrition or vitamins, injections can be arranged, of the nutrients themselves, or of enzymes that the pancreas naturally makes. Currently, even through years of research and progress, there is no true cure for cystic fibrosis. However, many different medications and activities help to lower chances of harmful symptoms of cystic fibrosis and help to prevent certain fatal events from occurring. Current research is mostly held at places such as the Cystic Fibrosis Research Development Program Center, where there is research funding. Most of the hope in curing or treating cystic fibrosis has been placed on drugs and gene therapy. These drugs that are being synthesized have characteristics meant to counter the symptoms of cystic fibrosis, such as the overproduction of mucus, bacteria buildup in the lungs, and infection.